I’m on a boat

Today was actually a fuller day than was planned…which is a really awesome things! Yay, activities!

I started out the morning by actually waking up on time to get the breakfast here…yesterday I had missed it by an hour. Hopped out shortly after planning to try to walk into the city, but something went wrong and instead I ended up happening onto a bus station and taking that a stop over to Lilla Bommen. I wanted to go there in order to visit the Medical History Museum but, unfortunately, that opened at noon, and I stepped off of the train at about 11 am… So I had a little bit of time.

I ended up just walking up and down the streets for that hour, looking into shops and searching for a coffee place that wouldn’t charge me an arm and a leg for a hot beverage. I finally bought a small cappuccino for 20 SEK (with a small chocolate included gratis) and found a covered bus stop to sit down and wait out the remaining ten minutes. There are a multitude of benches situated everywhere around Gothenburg that are normally the butt stationing places to be, but and overnight rain and snow had rendered these wet, cold and undesirable. Bus stop seat it was.

Noon finally arrived, and the museum doors opened. The ticket into the museum was a whopping 40 SEK (sarcasm), and although none of the wall descriptions had an English translation beside them, they were numbered so that the foreign visitor could read. in their language, from a little booklet that was given out at the front desk. The museum was small, easily done in an hour, but interesting nonethless. I wish that there was a larger psychology related exhibit, but what was there was informative, and the other examples of early medicine induced enough shivers through shock value. Especially cringe inducing was the instruments and illustrations for removing stones from the male bladder…boys, be glad you didn’t live back in those days.

After a quick lunch at home, I headed back out to the town, trying to find some of the various ferry stops situated around the city. A few of the ferry lines accesible with the same ticket that allows you to take the bus and tram, and lo and behold…one of the stops turned out to be right by Lilla Bommen.

It was an awesome trip…about 45 minutes for the whole loop on ferry number 235. There are some awesome rocky craigs, houses on hills, sailboats…and a cool sunset under the bridge to top it off. It was quite windy, so gloves and possibly a hat are a must. Tomorrow I plan to find one of the two other ferry lines, and hopefully see more of the islands than I did today.

Actually, taking this ferry ride reminded me of one the reasons why I liked Venice so much. It was very calming to, at the end of a day of sightseeing and walking to just get on a boat, smell the water, and get lost in your thoughts and the sights. It helped take my day from alright to completely awesome.

For now though, I must partake in tea, to stake off any potential germy reactions.

I will try to put some pictures up tomorrow…though I might have to wait until Oslo or London, since the internet here is quite spotty at best.

Embody the penguins, friends, and chill hard.
